On this date 6 years ago I was going about my normal routine as a supervisor at the Lagoon Park Post Office in Montgomery when an employee told me a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. We rolled out a t.v. normally used for safety videos and relied on the rabbit ears to pick up a local affiliate. I remember the shock and confusion as the second plane appeared and crashed into the second tower. I remember the rest of the day--the phone calls to family--the questions about friends who were visiting New York--the feeling that life had changed forever in the United States. The conspiracy nuts are appalling to me and our short term thinking causes me great concern. Here are a few pictures to remind us all.
It does not take much to muster up those old emotions for me. I cried this morning as Rick & Bubba replayed a montage of clips from their show that aired that day. Thanks for remembering - I'm beginning to wonder if anyone around me in my office today remembers. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who does!
just let us remember: the war the U.S. is currently participating in has nothing to do with these awful pictures. totally separate people. what we're doing in Iraq is no better than what happened in NYC.
osipov, everybody is entitled to their opinion and your is welcome here. However, that doesn't mean it will go unchallenged. While confining our efforts to one geographical nation may have limited effect, there is no doubt among fair-minded people that the nation of Islam planned, carried out, and celebrated the simultaneous attacks using hijacked planes. Their hatred for Christianity is not disguised any more than that of anti-Christian activist within our borders. People like Rosie conjure up crazy theories because they can not tolerate fundamental Christians holding any office of power. Those living as Christians shine light on those who cling to sinful lifestyles. Every month "mainstream" magazines like Rolling Stone attack the current administration because it is led by an individual who publicly asks for prayers and asserts his belief in the power of prayer. Those who follow Christ and those who do not will never see things the same until Jesus splits the eastern sky and everybody believes. Until then, the nation of Islam is at war with Christianity and will kill as many Christians as possible, even if it means killing one's self. If you hate Bush and every decision he makes, you should ask yourself why?
Although I don't know you, I've come across and read your blog a few times. I agree with your thoughts today and thank you for the reminder. We are a military family in Gulfport, MS from Keesler Air Force Base. My family fights the war over there so that we won't have to fight it over here. God bless our military who watch our backs while we sleep so that we may have the freedom to live the way we choose and express ourselves freely.
I had come home from dropping my son off at his elementary school in Magnolia, AR, and decided not to turn on the television so I could clean house without being tempted to sit down and watch T.V. But it was too quiet so I turned on the radio - and heard about the plane hitting the Pentagon and realized that something was terribly wrong - and ended up watching the horror on television. I will never forget the way I felt when I saw those towers fall.
My son called from Fort Stewart, GA, where the base had been put on alert - my daughter called from South Dakota where she was doing an internship - my husband called from Morgan City, LA, where he had just made it in from offshore before all of the helicopters had been grounded and told me he would have to stay there as the whole oil industry in the Gulf had gone on alert. My mother called and said “those crazy people” are flying planes into buildings. My niece called from Washington D.C. and said she was safe - her office was right by the Pentagon. I was home alone and remember praying to God “okay, if this is it, Lord, I am ready to die”.
We had a prayer service at our congregation the next morning and one at my son’s school as well - and I remember going outside and just listening to the silent sky. It was so eerily quiet with no planes overhead.
Bonnie's mention of the prayer service made me remember all of the prayer, faith, etc, that this entire nation had on 9/11/01 and the weeks to follow. Everyone was praying, or they at least said they were praying. People said their faith was made stronger. What happened to that? What happened to the attitude of our ENTIRE country? Am I the only one who remembers how much our country relied on the power of prayer at that time? And now there are so many who want to disown the very God who brought us through those times. Sound familiar? The people of Israel, perhaps?
I didn't say it wasn't Muslims that attacked the U.S. on 9/11 - I said it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein. Even General Petraeus said that in his report.
Osipov, who are you? Why don't you have a blogger profile? Do you have a blog of your own or do you just post your opinions on other people's blogs? Just wondering.
No, I don't have a blog of my own. Why? Is there now a rule on posting comments?
what do you want to know about me?
for someone so interested in knowing about me . . .
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