Thursday, August 02, 2007

No Excuses!

Lord, forgive me when I complain about my busy schedule and help me remember this picture of the president of the United States making time in his schedule to run with wounded veterans. Forgive me when I complain about aches and pains or allow fear of doing badly prevent me from doing what I need to do. Help me to remember this picture of one veteran with one leg and the other with no legs bravely making the effort to run with the president. Thank you for two legs and two feet that amazingly work the way you created legs and feet to work for Adam so long ago. Thank you for the opportunity to choose how I spend my time. Thank you for reminders such as this of how blessed I am and how much is possible with your help.



JSM said...

I echo Laura...
and add that this is one of the reasons why I started doing what I do in the first place...

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

wow. thats humbling for sure